Flourish Stonewear x Cheerfully Made Birthday Collab

Flourish Stonewear x Cheerfully Made Birthday Collab

For Cheerfully Made's TENTH BIRTHDAY, we collaborated with some of our favourite makers and we obviously couldn't do it without our friends at Flourish Stonewear.

They created the most visually stunning ceramic earrings, with florals in our brand colours and dashes of gold (because why not?!)

We also asked ALL our makers to answer a few fun questions for the occasion. Here's what they said... 


Q: What is your best memory of Cheerfully Made (shop or markets)?
A: Best memories at Cheerfully Made markets were that we were always treated with kindness and understanding. We were new to the maker scene and felt such relief at being accepted and valued by Emily, Sarah, and the team.

Q: What were you thinking about when making this product?

A: When I made the birthday earrings I was thinking about the colour of glazes coming out as the Cheerfully Made brand colours. I really wanted them to be perfect for the birthday celebrations!

Q: Do you have any wishes for Emily & Cheerfully Made for the next 10 years?

A: Keep going my friends. There are not a lot of business role models out there who genuinely care about the people they work with. We wish you tons more friends and a bunch of money! 😉

Q: Anything you want to add?

A: Congrats!!! You ladies deserve all the good things!


Shop all the birthday collabs here... while they last! Or head back to the main article by clicking here.